I/O Day 2

It's day 2 at I/O!

The keynote was packed with Android stuff today - see the official blog post for the awesome details.

One in particular stands out for App Engine users: the new Cloud to Device messaging service. This makes it possible for an app in the cloud to send an Intent directly to an Android device, asynchronously. That means that you can send a notification to an android device, and have the device receive it immediately: no polling, no hacks.

Obviously, App Engine is a shoo-in for the cloud portion of this. Previously, I blogged about authenticating against App Engine from your Android app - look out for a blog post soon on how to do the reverse, and send notifications from your App Engine app back to your Android device.

The keynote's over, but there's still plenty of new App Engine content to come in the talks today. I'll be writing up short posts on the new APIs and features during the day.

I won't get to everything - I can only be in one talk at a time, and I have Office Hours to staff as well - but I'll attempt to cover as much as possible. If I miss something you'd like to hear about, let me know!
