Google I/O playlist, day 2: Google Storage for Developers

This is the second in a series of posts providing a day-by-day playlist to help break up the Google I/O session videos - specifically the App Engine ones - into manageable chunks for those that haven't seen them.

Today's video is on Google Storage for Developers. Google Storage for Developers is a new API for storing, serving, and sharing large numbers of files, of nearly any size. While Google Storage isn't directly linked to App Engine, it's likely to be of interest to many App Engine developers. It's also the foundation for the BigQuery and Prediction APIs, which I discussed earlier.

The talk is language-agnostic, so both Python and Java developers will find it of interest. Currently, the only officially supported client library is the Python one, but the protocol is deliberately compatible with other similar services, so the Boto library works as-is, as will other libraries. Further, the API is simple enough that I expect Google-Storage-specific libraries will quickly spring up in most major languages.
