Taking advantage of the new Apps Marketplace

The recently unveiled Apps Marketplace has been getting a lot of attention lately, and a lot of people are wanting to know how they can integrate their App Engine app with it, making use of its integrated single-signon support. Today we'll go over what's required to get this working.

Apps Marketplace uses OpenID for SSO. Fortunately, we can use the openid library, which provides a Users-API-Lookalike interface, to support this in App Engine. There are two additional requirements for getting SSO to work in an Apps Marketplace app:

Handling the first of these is easy: The aeoid library sets the realm of an OpenID request, by default, to the domain that the request was made over, so all we need to do is use that same domain name as the realm in our app's manifest file.

The second is a little trickier. The 'janrain' python-openid library which aeoid and other Python-based solutions are based on does not support host-meta as a discovery mechanism for OpenID URLs. Let's analyze what this discovery ...