Help me name my distributed publishing system

A few days ago, I posted an outline for a distributed publishing system. I asked for name suggestions, and people have provided more than a few!

Here's the shortlist. Please vote on the one you think works best, or suggest your own.

Building a censorship resistant publishing system

I've had an idea related to censorship resistant publishing kicking around in my head for some time now, and it seems like it's about time I got it written down somewhere, for consideration and criticism. Part of my motivation is that I'm intending to snatch some spare time while I'm on the plane to the US this weekend (to attend I/O) to have a go at implementing a basic version of it.

In a nutshell, I have a design for what I believe would be a fairly robust censorship resistant publishing system, based on a DHT, and integrating fully with the web. Content published using this system would be available in exactly the same fashion as a regular website, which strikes me as a major advantage over many other proposals for similar systems.

The system consists of several layers, which I'll tackle in order:

  1. Document storage and retrieval
  2. Name resolution for documents within a 'site'
  3. External access
  4. Name resolution for sites

Document storage and retrieval

The lowest level of the system is also the simplest: That of storing and retrieving documents. This layer of the system acts more or less exactly like a regular ...